Head of Digital Strategy

Amanda Silva

Meet the heart and soul of our organisation – a dynamic team of passionate individuals dedicated to driving innovation and excellence. With diverse expertise and a shared commitment to our mission, we collaborate, inspire, and bring our collective vision to life. Get to know the faces behind our success and discover the talent that fuels our growth.


Amanda Silva

She turns insight into impact. Meet Amanda, the driving force behind RLM's strategic initiatives. As the Head of Strategy, she expertly navigates the digital landscape, uncovering hidden opportunities amidst shifting market currents. With a passion and blueprint for Meta ads, Amanda excels in defining key performance indicators and crafting tactics to engage target audiences effectively. From market analysis to campaign development, performance tracking, and budget management - Amanda ensures your brand's every move is calculated for success.

When she's not pushing boundaries to deliver measurable results, Amanda's pushing her suitcase around the world and documenting her adventures. Embracing chaos as her norm, this digital nomad seeks balance through Pilates and Barry's classes, and the occasional smoky mezcalita (if she can find one).

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